Monday, March 9, 2015

Writers Group

I have to say that joining a writing group is a must. I joined my writers group at least 12 years ago. Although the number of members flexes every year, the core members have remained the same. We meet once a month and bring a piece of writing. It can be anything the writer would like feedback on. The author passes out a copy to each member and tells the members where they would like to focus the feedback. It can be anything – “I was having trouble with descriptions,” “Are you picturing this?” “Is my dialog realistic?” The author reads the piece. Then feedback happens. Some members are good at catching grammar and punctuation errors. Others great with trimming the fat. Within 15 minutes you have some excellent feedback on your work.

My group has been great listening to chapters of Relic and giving me feedback. A couple of the members were even among my Beta readers. They read the entire manuscript and were additionally valuable when I presented two new chapters I added because of Beta reader feedback.

Writing is such a solitary endeavor, but it’s no good if you write just for yourself. Every writer should seek outside eyes so that future readers will love every word.  

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