Currently, I am trying to mold several characters. Frankly,
they are giving me trouble. Sometimes it takes me a while to realize I need to
follow my own advice!
I turned to research.
Many of my writing group collegues are very good a choosing
names that give insight into the character. So I visited some name websites.
The characters will be imigrants to this country at the turn of the century, so
I looked for European names and specifically looked for meanings that fit their
role in the story. This won’t mean much to my readers – unless they are looking
for hidden meanings, but it will help keep me on track with their
I also started looking for photographs for inspiration. These
characters are working-class men and boys, so that’s what I looked for. I came
up with a few that will help me pinpoint facial features and clothing. I even
hit pay dirt and found a video of turn-of-the-century workers walking down the
street. I can see their movements and their clothing. This will be very