Saturday, October 12, 2024

Seeing Sandra Cisneros

This week, I got to see one of my favorite authors in person -- Sandra Cisneros. While I taught, her book The House on Mango Street was one of the novels I tried to include every year. 

I guess what I didn't realize about her, was that she was a poet first, although based on the way she writes prose, I should have guessed. So, she had a lot to say about poetry. Here are some of my favorite poetry quotes from that night: 

"Poets are born feeling things too deeply."

"It's easier to write poetry in Spanish because everything rhymes!"

"If what you have to say cannot be published in your lifetime, you'll write your best poetry."

"I don't think at all when I write -- I feel."

"This is a time for poetry. You don't need paints or a brush...all you need is a napkin and a pencil. It's very economical. If we wrote more poetry we wouldn't need any guns."

She read many of her poems that evening, and it made me realize how much I've been missing. I'm off to the bookstore to find some of that poetry right now!

Monday, June 3, 2024

Getting Series-ous

Well, readers of Periphery are already calling for a sequel.

Ironically, I just finished reading two great books: Legends & Lattes and Bookshops & Bonedust by Travis Baldree. I mention this only because in the author notes for the second book, Travis writes about the struggle to write a sequel to his first book. 

I always read an author's notes as part of my personal goal of learning about the writing process of as many authors as possible, but I must say, I really appreciated his thoughts on this topic given my current project.

Seems he was sure he had the sequel mapped out, but as he wrote it, he really disliked it! He tried again, and again, and if memory serves me, again. Finally, he ended up writing a prequel that, I agree, was a really fun read.

I just really appreciated his honesty about the difficulty in writing another book using the same characters, especially after the first book was really well received. He admits there is a struggle of writing to meet the expectations of your readers.

Well, I am off on another adventure in the kingdom of Periphery. And thank you, Travis, for your candid thoughts!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Energy Boost

Once a week, my writing buddy Laura and I get together to parallel write. It's like our own writer's workshop. We talk a lot about the pieces we are working on, problems we are having, and segments that we are proud of. If one of us gets stuck, we take the time to help the other person out. And with very busy personal schedules, we are guaranteed at least one morning of serious writing time. Often, that time reinvigorates us and we either keep writing when we get home or follow through with more writing the next day. It's like a writing energy boost!

But during that morning writing session, we also have developed another tradition. A breakfast of yogurt parfaits and warm, buttered scones with tea! We figure the yogurt and fruit is healthy and the scones are decadent. We have our favorites: chocolate chunk and cranberry. That serves as another kind of energy boost!

What do you eat or drink while you are writing to keep your energy up?

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Mark Your Calendars

 As the better weather begins, I'm getting ready to fill my calendar with book signing events. New to my schedule this year is the Better Off Read Summer Festival slated for Saturday, August 31 at Artpark in Lewiston, NY.

This year will mark the third year for the festival, which is the brainchild of local author Ian Kinney, and I'm really excited to be a part of it this year!

The festival, which is free, is intended to encourage reading and promote writing and storytelling. There will a discounted book sale and vender booths by local merchants, restaurants, artists, and authors. The day also promises tons of kid-friendly activities, such as storytelling, face-painting, and balloon animals. 

This year, the festival will include an evening of live performances at Artpark's Mainstage Theater. Tickets for those evening performances will be available for purchase.

Sounds like a ton of fun! Mark those calendars! I'll be there!

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Periphery is Available!

My newest novel, The Battle for Periphery, is now available on Amazon! A hearty cheer for the
creator of my cover art, Erin Ruffino, and the cover designer, Aaron La Porta! They've done an amazing job at bringing Emerson's adventures to life!

Here is the description:

Emerson wears the cloak of an Amaranth, the garment of a much-revered warrior clan. Since he was a boy, he has been content wandering the realm, but now he is having second thoughts. The idea of settling down in a home of his own is growing on him, and he feels called to build a home in the forest. It's all working, until a princess points a loaded bow to his head.

This Amaranth has shown up just when she needs him the most: a war rages. The palace, the royal family, the very kingdom of Periphery is in danger, and she is determined to make him abide by his Amaranth creed. Their chance meeting leads Emerson on a quest to save a kingdom and a home, but it will also unveil secrets that will change everything he knows about his past and the futures of those he has grown to care for.

Powerful forces are in motion. A mystical tree calls to him, a prophecy plagues his dreams, and a shadowy figure has released a vital spark of light into the night sky.

What will the kingdom's deepest secrets reveal? And can Emerson face the secrets within himself?

I hope you enjoy it! Remember to leave a review! They really do help us Indie authors!



Speaker Fun

Recently, I had a wonderful experience as the featured author invited to kick off the Spring
season for the Thursday Book Club at the 20th Century Club of Buffalo, NY. The ladies told me I could talk about anything I wanted to talk about -- ah, so many directions to choose from!

So, I chose to talk about what I learned from writing my first novel. I actually learned so much from that first experience, that I had to whittle it down to just three lessons learned, the results of which have served me well through the creation of my second and third novels.

I also need to mention the setting for the presentation, the 20th Century Club, which, according to the ladies, is the oldest woman's club in the country. It was founded in 1894 by Charlotte Mulligan. The "club house" was designed by E.B. Greene and is magnificent. And for those of you who read my books, you know how important setting is to me!  

What a super gathering of women. Such good conversation about books, careers, children! I was only sorry that I didn't get to speak with everyone! Thank you so much for the opportunity! 

And if you bought a book, or buy one in the future, don't forget to write a review for Amazon! Good or bad or somewhere in the middle, all reviews help Indie authors!

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Happy New Year


2024 is here. Time to reflect on last year and set some goals for next year.

In my second year of retirement, it was challenging to carve out writing time, but scheduling writing days with writer-friend Laura has helped a lot. I finished the first draft of Periphery, got it out and back from beta readers, and I am making great progress with the final draft. The sneak peak of the cover art came in just before the new year, and that is so exciting! Kudos to Erin Ruffino, and now it gets handed off to Aaron La Porta for cover design while Erin works on the map for the inside.

I had three very successful author signings, two with the Dollars for Scholars event at Sweet Home High School and one with the Buffalo Historical Society.

I joined Buffalo Niagara Children's Writers and Illustrators and have attended most of their meetings. I am still meeting monthly with my writer's group. And I attended an inspirational writers' retreat in Rochester this summer.

So, overall, I call it a successful year. Although the initial plan was to have Periphery out in 2023, I think it will be a better read for the time spent crafting it.

So, what are the goals for 2024? First and foremost, get Periphery into the hands of readers. After that, a sequel to Periphery might take over, although I did start working on a ballet story for middle grades while my manuscript was with beta readers. I also have a short story in the works, which I think I might try to get entered into some contests. I would also like to add a couple more signings to the schedule this year. 

Here's to 2024 and staying focused!